lørdag den 25. maj 2013

Day 6- Vienna

Today we woke up early and had a VERY austrian breakfast in the hotel. We got on the bus and drove through the city and stopped in one of the main buildings. The beauty was superb and most buildings were a gaudy baroque style.  We stopped for pictures in a very nice courtyard (pictures below).

Nikolaj decided it would be a good time to play a "team building exercise" which involved people jumping on someone's back and then crawling around them. The first 2 to try out this game were Nikolaj and Jonty. They seemed to know what they were doing.

Due to not so good weather we all split up earlier than usual. There was a large market known locally as Naschmarkt. The market had both thrift shop items and many fruits and vegetables. The fruits and vegetables were not available as a thrifted version.

Some went to the museums around the city such as the Sigmund freud museum, museum of natural history, and the zoo.

We came home for food around 19:00 and enjoyed shnitzel and rice. The Champions League game came on soon after and many of the exchange students enjoyed it.

Vi ses imorgen fra ITALY.
Nikolaj <3

tirsdag den 7. maj 2013


This is a blog where you will be able to read about the Rotary Euro Tour 2013 on Bus 3. Pictures and updates will be posted here during the 18 days that we will be on the road. Parents, host parents and upcoming students, will have a chance to get an insight into what the Euro tour is all about.

The whole adventure will start on May 20, 2013, where we will departure from Høje Taastrup early in the morning. Lisbeth and I will be the Bus counselors, and our job is to make sure, that each of the 52 exchange students, who will be joining, gets the most out of the trip as possible.

We both went to Brazil as Rotary exchange students, and we both joined the Tour there.  We therefore know, how important this trip is to an exchange student, and how some of the best moments from an exchange year, will be experiences during these days.

Feel free to forward this site to everybody, who might have an interest in reading about the Tour.

If any of you have any questions, please send me an email (nikolaj.spande@hotmail.com) and I will try to respond as soon as possible.

We are looking forward to seeing you all and spend some amazing days with you!                                   
- Lisbeth and Nikolaj